FAMILY Guasialpud Rojas


Name of the farm and región / Nom de la ferme et Région:

Familia Guasialpud Rojas



Notes/Fragrances et senteurs: Sweet, citrus fruits, nuts, caramel/ Sucré, Agrumes, noix, caramel

Taste/Goût : Medium intensity of citric acidity, Good Body, good aromatic after taste

/ Intensité moyenne d’acidité citrique, Bon Corps, bon arrière-goût aromatique


Vereda Puerto Rico, El Tambo, Arauca

 *Roasted in Colombia /Packages subject to Change and availibility

19 in stock (can be backordered)

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VARIETY: COLOMBIA-CASTILLO-CATURRA, SCORE IN THE CUP: 84 FNotes/Fragrances et senteurs: Sweet, citrus fruits, nuts, caramel/ Sucré, Agrumes, noix, caramel

We are the Rojas, we belong to a long tradition as coffee growers. Our crops are located in the Tambo Arauca region of Colombia. The coffee from our lands belongs to a variety of COLOMBIA-CASTILLO-CATURRA. It is a type of grain that comes from the cross between two Caturra and Hybrid Timor plants. In our lands, we produce high-quality coffee that has smoothness, aroma, and citric Fruits.

We prefer to do a washed fermentation of the beans to get a better flavor. Our beans have a cup rating of 84 in coffee farmer testing. The beans from our crops are distinguished by their flavor where AROMAS OF RASPBERRY, CITRUS, and FRUIT ODORS can be appreciated. We invite you to try our delicious grain. We want our coffee to reach different parts of the world. For this reason, we join the proposal.


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